Friday, October 1, 2010

Young Queers, there is too much Fabulousity coursing through your veins.

In light of the recent Suicides of several Gay Teens, I have decided to dedicate this blog to them. Rest in Power, Young Troubadours. Even in this life's sleep, you have inspired many to action on your behalf. My heart Breaks for you even as I Celebrate you.


To anyone that reads this that is feeling as they felt... Baby, It Does Get Better. I have been gay bashed, I have been spat at, I have been called more names than I can remember... Starting in Middle school. And like a good little suburban boy, I tried to ignore all the teasings, the taunts; my own feelings. But I got older. I grew up, and I realized that there is a thriving world that loves me; that there are a million different people who dig me for just being me. I have discovered in my life that I have a mission, a purpose. The ME that I am is no accident. Everything that I have experienced is by my own life's design, to provide me with the best, most conscientious ammunition to be able to grow into the most positive, productive, loving, and fabulous me that I can.

I don't know you, but I, too, love you. You too have a marvelous gift to offer the world, even if you have NO idea what that is yet. That's just the details. As my Mother used to say, "Baby, Keep Livin'." You will be amazed at just how wondrous your life truly is. It's a BIG world out there, and if you can just hold on, You will surprise yourself at how strong you will become to get thru it.

You may not believe this now, but the day will come when you need to twirl, or not, and someone will be there to applaud you. Times change, and the day will come when sexuality is viewed with the same nonchalance as fashion, or food choices. What you eat and what you wear are your personal choices. But that fact that you've a cabinet full of Ramen Noodles ain't gone stop you from eating, right? It's YOUR Food. So eat up! And while some will absolutely LOVE how you serve up your chicken dinners, some people will prefer to
wear your chicken dinners. (i.e., Lady Gaga's meat dress)

You feel me, Children? Now I don't if you are or aren't an uber-queen, just salivating to wear your first ball gown and tiara, (and there is absolutely nothing wrong if your goal for the next year is to win Mother RuPaul's Drag Race!), Nor are you all super studs waiting to go ultra butch, sag and use your brother's clippers, but I do know that all over-the-top stereotypical gay models don't necessarily fit some of you, and that, too, is perfectly fine. That doesn't make you any less or more a member of the tribe, and gives you neither less, nor more of a right to hide yourself from yourself.

I recently ran into a large group of young queers. Possibly, 18-22, at best. They were cutting up, queening out and just being in general... very...
j'ne c'est quois? Well, hell, they were being Loud, Young, and Gay. Now I am of the mindset that that foolywang bullskit has it's place, and amongst your friends, Do What You Do! But just being ignorant for the sake of ignorance just makes you look stupid. Having pride in yourself is about carrying yourself with your utmost best self, putting the best you out for the world to see. Now there are times when we all do the goofy, but I digress.

I pulled the Young Queens and Studs to the side, and gave a brief little tutorial on the Life. Like anything else, honey, the Life has it's rules, it's players, and it's boundaries. Learn them, and learn them well. Anywho! I pull the Young Queers to the side for a little Chit Chat, and they say to me, "We won't be gay forever, we're Christian. we're just doing this for a little while..."


This brings me back to my original point: No one. No Person, No Situation, No Setback, No Obstacle can EVER determine Who You Are. I am not a Christian, though I was raised one. I practice Nichiren Buddhism, meaning I chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Yes, just like Tina Turner in
What's Love Got To Do With It?. I chant because this practice doesn't discriminate. It doesn't tell any person no matter who they are that they are incapable of accomplishing anything that they envision for their lives. Including being in a happily committed relationship with someone of the same sex. This Buddhism, at its core is about each person fulfilling there own dream of unshakable, unflappable happiness; even in the face of life's challenges.

Now I am fully aware that often the mindset of the Church is damnation and hellfire for all LGBTQIA people everywhere, and people can pull out that Leviticus quote til the cows come home, but Jesus loved everyone. No matter who they were, where they from, or who they were sleeping with (Ahem. Mary Magdalene). Hallo? Then of course, there is the story of the beggar woman who touched Jesus hem, and exclaimed: "Oh Thank You Jesus! You Healed Me!"(or something very near to that) To which Jesus replied: "Woman, your faith hath healed you." God said to love thy neighbor, but to love thy neighbor, You got to Love Yourself. Mama Ru says it all the Time! "If you cain't love yourself, how in the Hell you gon' love somebody else?!" I didn't come here to preach about the merits of religion, I use this context to simply illustrate the point that nothing about your present is set in stone, baby. You can change it! It will get better. The rough times will subside, and you WILL find your Happy!

You just have to let that seed grow. Have faith in your own strength. When that seems weak, seek a hand. Seek a friend. If you're feeling like their are none around, just as sure as you can read this blog, you can go to a website dedicated to Gays and Gay Youth.

The Gay Youth Corner:
QA: Gay Youth Community:
Bonus Round Gay Youth Page: :An Invaluable resource.

In most large cities, there is some type of gay youth friendly place to go. Even if you have to sneak away to get there, if it saves your life, if it can save someone else's... Just Go. For more information, click the titles for the links.

In Chicago:
The Howard Brown Broadway Youth Center:
3179 N. Broadway Chicago, IL
(773) 935-3151 x 0

The Center on Halsted

3656 N. Halsted Chicago, IL

In New York:
The Center: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center
208 West 13th Street
New York, NY 10011
The Center is between 7th and 8th Aves (map)
Phone: 212-620-7310

In Los Angeles:
L.A. Gay Center
Youth Program info:

Trust Yourself Enough to LOVE Yourself

Yours will be a storied Generation.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Changing the World in Five Minutes or Less: A Guide

Last Friday, Approximately 70 people got to witness the World Premiere/Total Run of The FAG-tionary.

That was mad wicked awesome, because it gave me an excuse to get my hair did up in a mohawk/twist/color fab thing that I am still rocking a week later. The irony is, I still have glitter in my hair. A colleague of mine looked at my hair today and started hysterically laughing, just after a woman I don't know stopped me in a elevator to say. "I love your boldness." While the majority of the populace is not walking around with a twist /mohawk/ color fab thing going on, why is this hair causing such a todo?

It amazes me how few people are willing to be the them that they are when nobody's watching when Everyone is watching but not paying attention. In other words when they are walking down the street hiding in a shell of who they think other folks want them to be?!!

All I can say is this, if you spend your everyday looking for approval from the world outside, you will never be happy. Take some time out of your day, and allow yourself to bloom. Like Alicia Keys says at the beginning of her hew album: "And the day came/ When the risk it took/ To remain tight and closed in the bud/ Was more painful/ Than the risk it took to bloom /This is the element of freedom."

Find you in this world of imitation, pretend, stuffed, plucked, wannabe, and shoulda been. This life is yours! Grab it, take it for a spin, and don't stop til YOU get enough. Shakespeare said it best, Children: "This, above all, to thine own Self be True."

Let the church say Amen, and the Kaikon say Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. We'll chat soon kids. Gotta Switch up my look for tomorrow nights Show.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The FAG-Tionary And Alexander McQueen


Just days after the loss of his mother, Joyce, Alexander McQueen was found hanged in his apartment this morning in London. To make it worse, it was at his own hand, apparently. This is the man who reinvinted the heel! A fashion legend and an Icon in his own right.

This man was to the Lady Gaga and SJP (to name a few) what Bob Mackie was to Cher and Carol Burnett. His indellible footprint on the fashion world can never be filled. He inspired many a young seamster and seamstress to pick up that first pair of shears, cut up those drapes and make it into a couture ball gown. Thank you so much for your contribution, Mr. McQueen. This was your soul's contract this lifetime. Even the flashbulbs of the greatest of photographers burn to quickly, and are gone in a flash. You will be missed.

There is no coincidence in this universe, and I am dedicating my next show to the memory of this Gay-con. Tomorrow night, I will be journeying into a world unexplored publically, especially amongst the Black Community. How appropos that in the midst of Black History Month, I will be doing a poetry set inspired by RuPaul and dedicated to Alexander McQueen that indulges in the subject of Black Homosexuality.

Osiris Khepera Presents: The FAG-Tionary!
Friday 2/12/10 @10PM
2257 N. Lincoln
Victory Gardens Greenhouse
$10 cover

Without giving up the Whole Ghost, I just want to let it be known, that there are way to many damned misconceptions about The Non-Hetero Agenda.

First off, We don't really have one! I mean there are some people who want everybody to just be gay, but that's just damned stupid. There are others who want equality on all accords for Homosexual Couples, and that's real. But that's a civil rights issue, and not the purpose of this production. (But don't think it ain't coming up in discussion, Boo.)

This here is a look inside The Life. A chance for those who either look at the Kids and wonder Why?, or for those who look at the Children with love, to walk a mile in my mocassins, and get to know this Incarnation from the inside out. No H8teration in this dancerey, just a bunch a love, truth, and answers to questions you ain't know you had.

See you Friday!