Thursday, February 18, 2010

Changing the World in Five Minutes or Less: A Guide

Last Friday, Approximately 70 people got to witness the World Premiere/Total Run of The FAG-tionary.

That was mad wicked awesome, because it gave me an excuse to get my hair did up in a mohawk/twist/color fab thing that I am still rocking a week later. The irony is, I still have glitter in my hair. A colleague of mine looked at my hair today and started hysterically laughing, just after a woman I don't know stopped me in a elevator to say. "I love your boldness." While the majority of the populace is not walking around with a twist /mohawk/ color fab thing going on, why is this hair causing such a todo?

It amazes me how few people are willing to be the them that they are when nobody's watching when Everyone is watching but not paying attention. In other words when they are walking down the street hiding in a shell of who they think other folks want them to be?!!

All I can say is this, if you spend your everyday looking for approval from the world outside, you will never be happy. Take some time out of your day, and allow yourself to bloom. Like Alicia Keys says at the beginning of her hew album: "And the day came/ When the risk it took/ To remain tight and closed in the bud/ Was more painful/ Than the risk it took to bloom /This is the element of freedom."

Find you in this world of imitation, pretend, stuffed, plucked, wannabe, and shoulda been. This life is yours! Grab it, take it for a spin, and don't stop til YOU get enough. Shakespeare said it best, Children: "This, above all, to thine own Self be True."

Let the church say Amen, and the Kaikon say Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. We'll chat soon kids. Gotta Switch up my look for tomorrow nights Show.