Sunday, February 8, 2009


I move about in a delirium's gaze.
Neither here nor there, yet bound the same.
Traveling with the inertia of lighted footpaths,
I swaddle my yearnings in cloaks.

Cloistered breaths seek less restriction
So my Bantu'd Sistahs can find chill relax
I Speak.
Someone requires voice
Telling the truth for another so Soul's burdens 
Wash like linens in spring

Hung to dry for the world 2 Breathe.
I claim neither perfection nor dissipation
I serve to channel the coming Dawn.

She Speaks.
Her Yesteryears sang of rivers, loosed skins [Shaken], and crystal stairs less Traveled
She Calls.
Griots for this Generation sought
She Yearns.  She Yarns?
Tales need telling and Truths need Yelling.

This magical lilting turns brass to gold
Melts fire; Frosts glacial snows
Indigo 2 Crystal 2 Rainbow

Doors swing open
Mercurial bouts of understanding flutter through passers-by
Like Mental Butterflies
The Tides shift and the diligent are prepared.

Some choose the nocturnal dance of fairy sleep.
Dreams cemented in lackluster non-reality.
Porous ideas taking shape in wet clay;
They wake to mud and cry "foul"

Balance bears shelter gifts that come with no regret
Uninvited, they arrive at the behest of Karma.
Forewarned is so bitterly and so often forgotten.

She Weeps.  
Not to the last.
She weeps in the hopes for 2morrow

"Matter has reached a point of knowing itself... [Man is] a star's way of knowing about stars."  
                                                                          - George Wald, Metaphysician.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

REALLY?!?!?! Barack! You got 2 babies.

     I just ran across a story about a ten year old child in my hometown city of Chicago that committed suicide.  At Ten Years OLD!!!!!  Is anyone else shocked alarmed or completely thrown off by this fact?  A 10 YEAR OLD BABY!  Suicide is bad at any age, but damn it Gina, a ten Year Old?!?!  I cannot believe that this child took his own life!  This happened in Evanston, and if I know anything about Chicago area politics, somebody is trying to keep somebody out of trouble.  Regardless this shit just makes no sense whatsoever.  I wish those truly responsible would come forward...  I know his Momma GOT to be sick right now!  I am so angry about this....

      I love how the medical examiners office is expecting us to believe this shit in GP.  Knowing good and well that  (forgive the truth)  suicide amongst boys in the 10-15 age group in highest in little white boys. But, this was a black child in Evanston, and it seems like the M.E. just went back to his standard protocol without so much as looking for another cause, like some ignant little bastards at this boys' school.  The school says they don't even know where this child was supposed to be when he was found dead.  The cause be damned, can anybody explain to me why NOBODY knew, nor noticed, this child was gone?  For Hours?!?!

    Now...  Mr. President, I know you have been officially in office for less than a month, and everything that needs doing is going to take some more time than this to fix,  but we have got to do something about these babies!  I know that I am not alone when I say that Bush's No Child Left Behind policy has done nothing but leave more children lost in the shuffle than it has helped.  Classroom sizes are out of control, teachers are overworked and underpaid, textbooks and digital supplies are all but nonexistent in some cases, and babies are left to die in a bathroom while not a single person notices they are gone.  The implications of what the next generation is growing into incites my ire daily.  We as Americans have GOT to do better.  I can't condone the state of this union.  None of us can.  It's why we hired you in the first place, brother.  Cause your plans are different.  You charge each of us to incite the change that we wish to see, and to Actively Participate in it's creation.  

     Alright.  I accept.  Now can you tell me how we are to fix schools so that my daughter can have an English book to use?  She's in the fourth grade!  Almost the same age as this boy who was killed! And She doesn't have an English book.  She's being tested on mastery of this nation's primary language without a textbook to study from in the process!  Fortunately for her, both of her parents are writers, so she has the opportunity to ask us, and we can assist.  How many of her classmates and grademates the country over don't have that luxury?  She attends a public school because at this point in her life, neither her mother, nor I can afford to just send her to the University of Chicago Lab School.  At $17-22,000 per year, it's a little outta my budget.  But is she to suffer because of the failed policies of your predecessor?  How many other mothers are to receive a call from a coroner saying that their babies just committed suicide? caught a stray bullet? were malled by angry pits? All because this school system as it stands is not giving them the proper tools to be able to arm themselves on all fronts?  

    Like I said, I know you just got into this position recently, and you warned us on November 4 that it would take you a while to settle in and get things going.  I was in Grant Park that night, and I felt your inspiration waft across it like so many auric blankets.  But I just would like to remind you, bruh, that I am your constituent. I know the financial woes of the US are pressing like never before, but...  

    Sidwell Friends is not an option for most of us right now.  Neither is The Lab School, nor its contemporaries.  I need you and Arne, and whoever else you have in Education right now, to get this ball rolling as soon as you can.

I'm out ya'll.



Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Exclusivity Has Its Perks...

      A Lot Late, but damn it, for the first time I truly understand the Cosby Show, Full House, Family Matters, and all those other patrichial families of the 80's.  I feel like I belong to the FatherHood club.  Although most days I feel like Mr. Mom (go figure).  Here it is, whether you know me or not.  I've got a 9 year old.  My kid is discovering the world in a way that I never even thought about when I was 9.  She's got opinions about her clothing choice, her "crushes" in school, and every other thing that makes a father cringe when he realizes his little girl will soon be entering  high school and going to college.  I know good and well that I'm projecting.  I've still got ten years on the collegiate part, but seeing as how I haven't built the coffer to send her to Harvard yet, so I'm concerned.  
      I know I only want nothing but the best for her.  It's remarkably encouraging to honestly discover the thing that makes your sun rise and your moon glow.  Like I said, I'm alot late.  7 years went past and her Mom and I hadn't spoken.  A lot happens in seven years: 'specially those seven.  But here's the thing:  I'm excited to see where the next 70 go, feel me?  I'm in her life now and I plan on sticking around for along time.  
      Maybe I'm not projecting so much as realizing.  It's less than ten years to college, really, and that is going to be an extra mortgage, regardless of where she attends.  My Daughter is mad smart.  I'm not shocked, surprised, or stunned mind, you.  In fact, it's quite humbling.  To know that you have a child that is interested in everything, that has a mastery of a language, and values the same concepts you do is incredibly humbling.    All I know, is that when the time comes, she will have her pick of the best universities in the world.  I credit her mother substantially for raising our child thus far with none of my input, really, and encouraging such a gifted little girl.    This reunion has been a long time coming and I am glad that it is finally here.
      That's my Baby Girl, and I will love her forever.  Even when she brings a boy home for the first time.  Speaking of which, anybody where to get a great deal on a shotgun...?

Anyway,  this whole FatherHood Club.  I find myself these days cleaning a house, doing laundry, cooking meals, and getting my little girl ready for school.  I'm checking homework, making sure projects are finished AND administering discipline when it's necessary.  And I'm looking for a gig.  A job to stack some cheddar while I'm here.  They say you don't understand your parents until you have kids, and by GOD is that true.  I hear myself now saying things that my Mom said to me and I can't do anything but laugh!  How did our parents not laugh at us when they said things that sounded just like their parents?!  It happens.  Anyway.  I'm still new to this life and learning what it means everyday to be a caretaker for somebody else.  I hate the act that my daughter's mother and I couldn't communicate sooner, but what are you gonna do?

C'est la vie, mon cheris!

I'm out 4 now.
